Vaizdo rezultatas pagal užklausą „space environment“   SPACE ENVIRONMENT

                         Lėja Volodkovičiūtė

In this summary I am going to focus on space environment which is a branch of astronautics, aerospace engineering and space physics that seeks to understand and address conditions existing in space that affect the design and operation of a spacecraft. Also, I am going analyze aspects of the space environment.


*    Space weather is a branch of space physics and aeronomy concerning the time varying conditions within the Solar System, including the solar wind, emphasizing the space surrounding the Earth as well as the conditions in the magnetosphere, ionosphere and thermosphere
*    Aerospace is the branch of technology and industry concerning both aviation and space flight
*    GPS is a abbreviation for global positioning system: a system that can show the exact position of a person or thing by using signals from satellites (= objects in space that send signals to earth)
*    Atmosphere is the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet
*     Meteroid is a small body moving in the solar system that would become a meteor if it entered the earth's atmosphere.

 The origins and fate of life on Earth are intimately connected to the way the Earth responds to the Sun’s variations. We live in the extended atmosphere of an active star where the solar activity and the space magnetic storms affect in various ways human life. Solar conditions are favorable for the development of electromagnetic disturbances in geospace, which can effectively influence the performance and reliability of space and ground-based technological systems. Space weather influence on the Earth’s weather and climate is still a developing topic. Moreover, little is known concerning the biological effects of space weather, especially regarding astronauts.
A related subject with space environment is space weather which deals with dynamic processes in the solar-terrestrial system that can give rise to effects on spacecraft, but that can also affect the atmosphere, ionosphere and geomagnetic field, giving rise to several other kinds of effects on human technologies. Space weather effects on Earth can include ionospheric storms, temporary decreases in ozone densities, disruption to radio communication, to GPS signals and submarine positioning. Space debris and meteoroids can impact spacecraft at high speeds, causing mechanical or electrical damage. The average speed of space debris is 10 km/s while the average speed of meteoroids is much greater. Space weather is distinct from the terrestrial weather of the Earth's atmosphere. The science of space weather is focused on fundamental research and practical applications. The term space weather was first used in the 1950s and came into common usage in the 1990s.
Vacuum is also the one of aspects of the Space environment. The hard vacuum of space will cause outgassing, which is the release of volatiles from materials. The outgassed molecules then deposit on line-of-sight surfaces and are more likely to deposit on cold surfaces. This molecular contamination can affect optical properties of vehicle and payload surfaces and spacecraft performance, particularly for sensitive optics.


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