Vaizdo rezultatas pagal užklausą „robotics in the classroom“  Robotics in Education                                                   Kristupas Razas

Key terms
1.      Humanoid robot – a self-acting machine that is designed to reflect human appearance.
2.      Refine – show deep interest and commitment into a certain subject.
3.      Innovation – adjustment of new technologies into everyday life.
4.      Robot development – making robots more and easier accessible.
5.      Effect – to have a change in something.
6.      Aid – help.

Modern technology advances rapidly altering the everyday life of citizens around the globe. The change in education is rather a heavily discussed topic by students, learning facility employees and even government. The effect is unarguably seen, although it is not always as incredible as it seems at first. This summary will point out the positive aspects of subject as well as find the down side of robotics entering the human-develop realm.
Researchers recently invented a new type of robotics providing aid in the classrooms of schools and colleges. These include humanoid robots, drones, machines. Providing the feedback of some of the teachers, the innovations most definitely help in the learning process, despite the great benefit, teachers don't forget to express some of the sceptic approach in order to assist scientists in developing future robots.
The first and most commonly mentioned advantage is that robots grant an ability to join classrooms for the disabled children. Many students struggling with cancer or other terminal illnesses can’t reasonably make it to class every day, but they shouldn’t have to miss out on the lessons and social interactions that come with school. The technology allows children to attend class from afar. These robots can perform various actions, for example waving, smiling, talking. They make it possible for children to interact with their friends and teachers from home or hospitals.
The next most favored point is that robots bring creativity and passion. Working with robots in class one can explore different learning pathways. The commitment of students grow in subjects that they never knew they would love. The understanding of leadership, communication, community involvement, teamwork skills is improved significantly when learning with help of robots. Adolescents refining the robotics develop their personalities in general, leading in a more beneficial way of studying than the regular education system.
Leaving the magnificent amount of pros behind, teachers claim that robots must be programmed to behave as a students’ learning assistant instead of trying to replace current teachers. Humanoid robots are still a fair way away from being autonomously situated in schools due mainly to technological limitations such as inaccurate speech or emotion recognition. However, the intention of most researchers in robotics is not for robots to replace teachers. Rather, the design goals of most robots are to function as an aid in the classroom and to enhance the added value they can bring as a stimulating and engaging educational tool.
The most concerning disadvantage of robotics is the expense. To the present day, only a few selected education facilities are given the chance to test innovations, and very few children with disabilities or illnesses can take the opportunity to replace themselves in class. Scientists do their best to make cheaper material viable for construction, though this will take some time. Hopefully, the robots will be accessible to more people in the future.


1.             Robots in Education: What’s Here and What’s Coming
By Kristen Hicks - February 9, 2016

2.             Robots likely to be used in classrooms as learning tools, not teachers

 November 6, 2016 8.25pm GMT

3.      Robots and drones take over classrooms
       By Jane Wakefield Technology reporter

4.            The Top Five Unexpected Benefits of Robotics in the Classroom
  By Aaron Maurer – November 8, 2016

5.            Robots in Education and Care of Children with Developmental Disabilities: A Study on Acceptance by Experienced and Future Professionals
By Daniela Conti, Santo Di Nuovo, Serafino Buono, Alessandro Di Nuovo -  January, 2017
6.            Exploring the educational potential of robotics in schools: A systematic review
By Fabiane Barreto Vavassori Benitti – April, 2012
7.      Robots in the Classroom: What Are They Good For?
By Katrina Schwartz - May 27, 2014

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