Vaizdo rezultatas pagal užklausą „quantum levitation“

Quantum Levitation and the Opportunities it Possesses
By Kotryna Kiznytė


The topic analysed is quantum levitation. The purpose of this summary is to brief one about the numerous applications that quantum levitation provides.


Quantum Physics- the branch of physics concerned with quantum theory.

Superconductor- a material that conducts electricity with no resistance.

Maglev trains- trains using magnetic levitation process.

Maglev – magnetic levitation.

Carbon dioxide  is a colourless, odourless and non-poisonous gas formed by combustion of carbon and in the respiration of living organisms and is considered a greenhouse gas

Emission  - the production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation.

Sustainable - able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.


  The quantum levitation or, more accurately, quantum locking is relatively a new field of physics which is not fully researched. Thus, all the possibilities are not discovered that quantum locking may bring.  However, there are a few opportunities already identified and some are even exploited for the benefit of humanity’s comfort.
   The most significant advantage that quantum locking brings is the elimination of resistance. Thus, the most important usage of quantum levitation is found in the field of transportation. This phenomenon enables us to create fast and frictionless transportation, which would not only reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide (Dugas, Turchin, 2015), but it also would lower the cost (from one dollar per mile to five cents) and enhance the speed (from 180 miles/hour to 300 miles/hour) (Powell, 2012) Such transportation already exists in some Asian countries, which is called maglev trains. The fastest train has been found in Japan so far.  However, China is developing a new one that could double the speed of the one in Japan (Fecht, 2012).
  Another vehicle of transportation that could be advanced with the help of this new technology is car or, in the words of the journalist Fecht, a flying car. The flying car could carry three passengers and would reach 150mph (Fecht, 2012). The author has noted that flying cars as well as all maglev trains would also reduce CO2 emissions. 
    The third type of transportation that would be highly enhanced by maglev technology is a space launch system. The space would open up to human exploration and commercialization, Powell points out. At the moment it is too expensive, however, Powell argues that in the long run it would actually save money.
     Another field regarding space explorations that could be reinforced is the study of weightlessness. Being weightless can have serious health consequences for astronauts (bone density loosens, muscles deteriorates, immute system weakens), Fecht stresses. Magnetic levitation could make the simulation of weightlessness on Earth easier thus space journeys could be made safer to humans (Fecht, 2012)
     The fifth application of quantum levitation technology is so called 3D cell culture. The problem is that cells grown on the Petri dishes can not always accurately reflect the ones of three-dimensional human bodies. The maglev technology could allow to grow 3D organisms thus grow more realistic organs in labs (Fecht, 2012)
    The most outrageous projection of the quantum levitation is a floating city. The concept of such city was created in 2012 by Chinese architect Wei Zhao and called Heaven and Earth. Zhao has proposed that the massive donut-shaped platform could hold magnets on its underside that would repulse the earth's magnetic field to hold the island aloft. The floating platform would rotate, generating energy as it spins and theoretically fueling a completely sustainable society, Facht explains.
   To conclude, the possibilities of quantum locking are incredibly vast and would inevitable improve the life’s of the people. Not all the opportunities are found yet and even fewer are possible to use now, however, without a doubt, quantum levitation is the technology of the future.


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