Vaizdo rezultatas pagal užklausą „solar panel technical details“

by Augustas Keblikas

My subject of the research is Solar panels. They’ve been around since 1878 when Augustin Mouchot first introduced solar power generator. I’m going to analyze what makes them so special and what’s the science behind them.

Conductor- material that has ability to conduct electricity (gold, copper);
Insulator- material that ability to block flow of electricity (glass, clay);
Semiconductor- material that has an electrical conductivity value witch falls between conductor (gold, copper) and insulator (glass, clay);
Covalent bonding- chemical bond between two atoms that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms;
Photovoltaic- material that has ability to convert light to electricity;
BIPV- Building-integrated Photovoltaics;
CdTe- Cadmium Telluride;
TFSC- Thin-Film Solar Cells;

Solar panels are made out of semiconductor material. Special types of specific semiconducting materials are able to produce electricity at certain conditions. There are several types of solar cell materials, but there are specific ones that are best known:
1.       Monocrystalline
Monocrystalline- type of silicon that has it’s own arrangement of crystal structure, with each atom lying in a pre-ordained position. This type of material goes through several cycles of filtration and separation processes. This may sound efficient, but this type of silicone is most expensive. “Fun fact” these solar panels mostly are round shape or at least ‘square with round corners’ shape. This is result of crystal growth process because it the only way to grow these crystals.
2.       Polycrystalline
Polycrystalline- type of silicon that has several regions of silicon kept together through covalent bonding and later on separated. This type of silicon was first used, to make solar panels.  Although this is oldest type of silicon, but it has few advantages ‘up his sleeve’. The process to make this silicon is simpler and cost less, also this type of silicon has higher heat tolerance. However,  efficiency of it is 10% less than monocrystalline.
3.       String Ribbon Solar Cells
String ribbon solar cells are also made out of polycrystalline silicon. This name comes from it’s manufacturing technology. Temperature-resistant wires are pulled through molten silicon. These solar panels looks similar to traditional polycrystalline solar panels. This type of solar panels cost even less than tradicional polycrystalline, that is because it uses only half of the amount of this silicon, but this particular type of solar panels have lowest space-efficiency of any kind.

4.       TFSC

These solar panels are made of several thin layers of photovoltaic material. These solar panels have different categories by the material of which they are made of. Depending on the technology, thin-film solar modules can produce efficiencies between 7-13%. Mass-production is simple, this makes them cheaper than crystalline-based solar panels. Thin-film solar panels degrade faster than crystalline based solar panels, which is why they typically come with a shorter warranty.

5.       CdTe Solar Cells

CdTe solar cells are the only thin-film solar panel technology that has surpassed cost to efficiency ratio of crystalline solar panels in multi-kilowatt systems market. The efficiency is in the range 9-11%. These solar panels are first to produce over 5 gigawatts.

Solar panel’s main job was to produce energy when there is no power grid or engine powered generator, but now it’s mostly used because Solar panels are lightweight, they cost less than diesel or petrol powered generators and they do not produce toxic waste like CO2.

Today people can use solar panels everywhere , but the main concern is electing a perfect place where they won’t be seen or won’t take much space. That’s why we need to use BIPV as these solar cells blend into the shape of a building because they can be integrated into facades, roofs, windows, walls and many other places.



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