Karolina Šauklytė


I am currently doing the pilot study which is based on the thesisSwearing can contribute to our wellbeing” and I am engaged in how literature reflects the idea that profanity can function as  the assistance of expressing your emotions better, self-control and pain relief.


Profanity - Blasphemous or obscene language.

Self-control - The ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and desires or the expression of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations.

Swearing - The use of offensive language.

Fluency - The ability to express oneself easily and articulately.

Curse - An offensive word or phrase used to express anger or annoyance.


Without a doubt, profanity will always be viewed as a negative manifestation of our behavior. Yet there's no denying that swearing can benefit you if to look at it as a less hurting alternative to release your negative emotions.

Spewing curse words come most naturally to us when we are angry. A study showes that people, who played violent video games instead of calm, relaxing ones, could write down far more swear words than the ones playing the soothing games.  Despite being rude, one could help himself/ herself cope with anger better, i.e. instead of breaking things, hurting yourself or someone else. In the article Perspectives on Psychological Science a writer named Timothy Jay summarises that "swearing is like using the horn on your car, which can be used to signify a number of emotions." The fact that you'd rather swear than take physical actions can even show that you have a better grip at controlling yourself than most.

Another study shows that undergraduates while having to hold their hands inside ice cold water lasted 40 seconds longer if they swore. Not only is profanity just a tool to loosen your tense shoulders, but it also provides a better way to cope with pain as well as it allows to express yourself better.

One more study reveals that mostly all people with high fluency swear which also refers to the self control aspect. Saying "I lost my f**cking keys!" instead of a simple "I lost my keys!" shows more than the emotion of anger. Apart from desperation and irritation hidden in the utterance, it may be used to emphasize a point, which may regarded as a way to stand up for yourself.

To conclude, swearing seems to be natural to all human beings and it may prove beneficial in particular situations despite our biased attitude towards its destructive effect.



  1. Incredibly interesting topic and article itself! I admired your academic vocabulary and phrases! It was new for me that swearing can prove beneficial to fluency AND reduce pain (if I understood it correctly)!!! That's intriguing! :) One point for improvement: although brevity is always admirable, your article could be longer, it would've been a pleasure to read about more experiments or scholars' quotations on this topic! (Kotryna K.)

  2. (Corrected)

    It is great for you, that your topic is one of the most controversial one. I really enjoyed your summary, because all three examples is properly chosen and supports your proposition. The main point of your study is that swearing shouldn't be judged like bad behavior because it helps person deal with anger, pain and self control moment. However I found some argumentation gaps. It is not clear to me how person, who plays violent games curces rather than uses his physical force then he's angry. Also, swearing isn't best way to express your state, because human naturaly makes a lot of sounds and movements then he cope with pain or angry. If I'm not mistaken, the profanity comes to us from culture. If I was mistaken, I would enjoyd hearing more about advantages of swearing. Good job!


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