Ieva  Žeimytė
Part 1
Vaizdo rezultatas pagal užklausą „students community“
My thesis of the pilot study is Lithuanian students do not have a sense of belonging to any communityand the aim is to find information about the situation of people (students) having a sense of belonging to communities in Lithuania and compare it with other countries. Belonging means acceptance as a member or part. A simple word, but it has many meanings. Some  find belonging in a church, others either with friends or with family or with humanity or on social media. The particular preference can shape the person's inner state. Those, who find it difficult being accepted somewhere, usually experience loneliness whereas the ones identifying themselves with  a greater community improve their level of motivation, health and happiness. 

Community- a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.
Belong- to be in the relation of a member, adherent, inhabitant, etc. (usually followed by the word to).
Essential- absolutely necessary, indispensable.
Racial discrimination- discrimination, unfair treatment or bias against someone or a group of people on the basis of their race.
Account- reporting someone's judgment or opinion.
Custom- an activity, a way of behaving or an event which is usual or traditional in a particular society or in particular circumstances.

                      Having a sense of belonging is a common experience. Everyone has a sense of belonging. When we belong somewhere, we feel accepted, we feel like we have a purpose. People can belong to a friend's group, to a family, to school and to many more.
                      In Lithuania and in other countries communities are usually categorized in territories, interests or mixed. Territory categorized community is usually a locally- based community and interest categorized community is a relational community. Every year in Lithuania the number of new village, town, city  communities is growing. Right now there are over 1000 village, town and city communities' organizations. Surprisingly, the number of communities in Lithuania is high, but most Lithuanians cannot feel that they belong to the community. There are around 154 different nationality people who are living in Lithuania. In 2011 Lithuanians consisted about 84 % of country's population. It is important to understand various cultures, especially those who live in our country. That is how we could have a peaceful country, with no racial discrimination. There is a publication called “Tautinės bendruomenės Lietuvoje. Skaičiai. Faktai. Veikla” which talks about ethnic communities, their creation story, cultures, customs and traditions.
                      The research shows that in Canada a sense of community belonging is highly related to physical and mental health, even when age, socio-economic status and other factors are taken into account. Over half of Canadians consistently report a strong or very strong sense of community belonging. Teens report a strong sense of community belonging as well. Adults were less likely to do so. Older people report a very strong sense of community belonging. In our belief it increases due to older people having more time to participate in community life. Seniors with a strong sense of community belonging had higher odds of having good health, even when stress and other factors  were taken into account. In 2007 females were more likely than males to report a somewhat or very strong sense of community belonging.
                      In Britain today there is a public debate suggesting that we are losing this essential sense of belonging, we are far from being closer together, we are actually moving apart. Family remains the most important focus of belonging. 88% of respondents chose family as the key marker of belonging. 65% of respondents saw friendships as being an essential part of their sense of belonging. Over a third of all people claim their national identity is a major factor in defining belonging. Lifestyle, job and  shared interests is also an important part of sense of belonging.
                      It is necessary to belong to a community, because it shapes one's personality, gives a purpose in life, and ones get to know themselves better. Being in a community means taking care of each other.


First article:
In Lithuania and in other countries communities are usually categorized in territories, interests and mixed.
Second article:
Every year in Lithuania the number of new village, town, city  communities is growing all the time. The number of communities in Lithuania is high, but most lithuanians can’t feel that they belong to the community.
Third article:
People from different countries, that are living in Lithuania. The importance of recognition and understandment of people from different cultures in Lithuania. Presentation of a publication about ethnic communities in Lithuania, numbers, facts, activities.
Fourth article:
Community belonging in Canada, how it varies depending on persons age. Statistics on community belonging depending on persons gender, age, years.
Fifth article:
Community belonging in Britain‘s diverse society. How the sense of community belonging varies depending on persons family, friendship, lifestyle, nationality, job, sh


  1. I enjoyed reading your summary about Lithuania, Canada and Britain! Some ideas, such as the benefits of belonging to mental and physical health and etc., were exactly the same that I found in my research. One thing to clarify: could you please elaborate on what you wanted to say with the sentence that "there are 154 different nationality people in Lithuania"? How does the diversity of nationalities contribute to communities? Does it stronger them or weaken?

  2. Thank you for this great summary. One of the most enjoyable factors was that it's really detailed and neatly structured so it's easy to read. Also, I really liked your conclusion about the effect of community to the society and how getting into communities not only help people to broaden their attitude but also teach them empathy and caring for each other.


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