
Rodomi įrašai nuo gegužė, 2017
Umberto Masi   The influence of gaming on teenagers                                                                      The world that we live in today is ruled by technology. We are so used to it, that it has become  essential to our livelihood.  Each and every day we use and sometimes abuse the gifts that the advancements of technology have given us. To be more specific, computer games have gotten a lot of negative press, as there seems to be no middle ground: either people play video games excessively and without moderation,  or they just don’t bother playing games. Another issue that stems from video games is the supposed negative effect they have upon the young people playing them. However, so far there is no consensus about gaming and its effects overall.                       Computer games, particulalry violent video games are quite notorious in the public, since they receive a lot of negative press. For example, in the United States, when terrible tragedies,which  i
Karolina Šauklytė INTRODUCTORY PART I am currently doing the pilot study which is based on the thesis “ Swearing can contribute to our wellbeing” and I am engaged in how literature reflects the idea that profanity can function as  the assistance of expressing your emotions better, self-control and pain relief. KEY TERMS Profanity - Blasphemous or obscene language. Self-control - The ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and desires or the expression of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations. Swearing - The use of offensive language. Fluency - The ability to express oneself easily and articulately. Curse - An offensive word or phrase used to express anger or annoyance. SUMMARY Without a doubt, profanity will always be viewed as a negative manifestation of our behavior. Yet there's no denying that swearing can benefit you if to look at it as a less hurting alternative to release your nega
Urt ė Stankevičiūtė Part 2 INTRODUCTORY PART Together with my co-partners we are conducting a pilot study on the thesis “ “Exercising makes a person happier”. I am interested how literature reflects a particular aspect of it, i.e. how physical activity impacts mental health with the aim to find out how exercising or any kind of movement helps to deal with stress, depression and other mental issues whereas my colleague will concentrate more on the previous studies which reveal the positive effect of exercising in general ( see article by Aušrinė Tunkevičiūtė) KEY TERMS Mental issues (Mental illness) – mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions – disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Anxiety – distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune. Depression – a state of feeling sad (anger, anxiety); a mood disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant in
Aušrinė Tunkevičiūtė Part 1 INTRODUCTION The main subject which I am investigating is exercising. This term has a lot of meanings and all of them is necessary. It includes any movement from stretching to professional sport. Generally, it can be said that exercising could be any form of movement, but what I will mainly focus on is strolling, jogging, dancing and home exercising. In all the articles I will look for any evidence that exercising has a great impact on human psychology. It may be said that sport has two sides, but I am convinced that exercise perfomed correctly and steadily bears only benefits which I hope will be approved in my pilot study. The thesis I am doing is as following “Exercising makes a person happier”. KEY TERMS ·      Exercising – physical activity that people involve in everyday life in a game, duty, hobby or purpose form. People exercise when they play sport games like volleyball, do special exercises at home, attends professional sport leag
Kotryna Kiznytė Part 2 INTRODUCTION In this summary, I will present an overview of literature on the topic of belonging to a community.   The following theory analysis was conducted in order to find out the reasons why and if it is important to belong to the community and what it means to belong to the community. The findings will be later used to contribute my thesis of the pilot study “ Lithuanian students do not have a sense of belonging to any community ”. KEY TERMS Social Capital - the networks of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society that enable the society to exist and be successful Community – a) a unified body of individuals; b) a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society; c) a body of persons or nations having a common history or common social, economic, and political interests  https:/
Ieva  Žeimytė Part 1 INTRODUCTORY PART My thesis of the pilot study is “ Lithuanian students do not have a sense of belonging to any community ” and the aim is to find information about the situation of people (students) having a sense of belonging to communities in Lithuania and compare it with other countries. Belonging means acceptance as a member or part. A simple word, but it has many meanings. Some  find belonging in a church, others either with friends or with family or with humanity or on social media. The particular preference can shape the person's inner state. Those, who find it difficult being accepted somewhere, usually experience loneliness whereas the ones identifying themselves with  a greater community improve their level of motivation, health and happiness.  KEY TERMS Community - a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government and often have a common cultural and historical heritage. Belong - to be in t
Rūta Užpalytė INTRODUCTION My thesis of the research is as following  "Female students are as good at engineering as male ones" and I am going to investigate how literature reflects certain aspects of the issue. Even in today's society many women are being unrecognized for their talent, just because of their gender, especially if their "specialities" or professions are considered "male ones". Although their contributions are sometimes unrecognized, women with a little ingenuity have always had the power to do great things. Thus, I will present you some of which have concurred the world with their inventions, statistics and knowledge, in hopes of making other women fight even further for their own rights and in helping to solve the disrespectful and unreasonable difference in salaries for men and woman. Take a look at a few of these profiles of amazing women, to see how they made a difference in their world and to prove that intelligence and gr
Vėjas Tarabilda The thesis of my pilot study is "Weddings prove to be a scam ingrained in our culture and society" and I am going to investigate how literature reflects the aspect of wedding traditions and costs SUMMARY Article 1: Average cost of weddings in America (  The average cost of a wedding in the United States is about $27 000. And this is excluding the cost of the honeymoon. Couples are victimized by their own fantasies, they want everything that the famous people have in their weddings. More times than not the parents of the bride work extra shifts to pay for the wedding debts. Interviewed couples said that they‘ve spent $6 000 for only the dress, and sometimes ever for 2 or 3 with similiar price points. In America the average budget for a wedding is about $27 000 and more times than not they still go overbudget, because they are undecisive and the industry is
                                              Laura Mikelevičiūtė Part 2 I and my colleague Julija are working on a study called   “Cinematography has a positive impact on people’s tolerance” . I have read 5 articles and analyzed a particular aspect regarding the extent cinematography influences people's pain tolerance.  KEY TERMS ·          Pain tolerance -   is the maximum level of   pain   that a person is able to tolerate. Pain tolerance is distinct from   pain threshold   (the point at which pain begins to be felt). ·          Extreme close up – it is a shot very close to the object. It is traditionally used in film to allow viewer to enter the character‘s intimate space, revealing certain characteristics and emotions that would otherwise go unnoticed from afar. ·          Medium long shot - A value of framing that almost shows the full subject; also known as plan américain. ·          Entertainment media - media that entertains